The New Exchange

The independent variables are linked to the dependent variable the by the standardised coefficient beta. From the table PU effects of outcome with the beta of 0.467 and PEOU 0.138. The comparatively high PU beta advocates the benefits identified in the literature review and company interviews (cheap and quick international remittance etc).

Along with tests for statistically significant unique contributions (value cut-off at 0.05) we can see that not only is PU a significant unique contribution to predict the intent to use Bitcoin the non-significance and the lower beta of PEOU testifies to the “hard to use” nature of Bitcoin detracting from intent of use, this was also mentioned in company interviews.

However, there is high correlation between perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use (R= 0.617) indicating some overlap where both these variables would affect the resulting variable. As an instrument of trade with similar PU to traditional currency it would be difficult for companies to increase Bitcoin’s usefulness just as it would be difficult to increase the use of British Sterling. Therefore this high correlation may be a potential for companies to increase the PEOU of Bitcoin in order to attract an increased intent of use just as debit cards are an easier way of using money or cheques.

Internal Relationship Diagram

Internal Relationship Diagram

Figure 10: Internal Relationship Diagram

This analysis allows us to find out that PU and PEOU affects 30.8% of the “intent of use” result. Of these two variables only PU was a significant factor but PU was strongly correlated with PEOU. Finally the results show that by increasing the PU by one standard deviation would also increase the resulting attitude towards Bitcoin by 0.467 standard deviation units.

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